Friday, May 14, 2010

Ban On Smoking for Public Health?

City Councilman John Clamp (for San Antonio) came out against the effort to get a smoking ban in Public Places like bars, bingo facilities, pool halls, game rooms, comedy clubs and restaurants in San Antonio, saying more regulation would drive business out of town and lead to layoffs in the service industry. Councilman Justin Rodriguez, who's sponsoring the effort, says Clamp's argument ignores the public health. Rodriguez believes the change will protect employees who currently work in smoke-filled environments. In the Article Clamp says that the smoking ban will lead to layoffs anyway and employees have a choice on where they work so if they didn’t want to deal with smoke don’t work n the service industry. Rodriguez believes that because of the economics’ current state people go where the work is and most of that is in the service industry and they shouldn’t have to give up health for a job or move half way across the state to find a job. Personally I agree with Councilman Justin Rodriguez because I’m allergic to a few things in cigarettes and I don’t want to have to deal with the smoke when I go to a restaurant with friends. Yes is may lead to a small drop for a short time but people will adjust and they may end up with more business from non-smokers and families that will help boost business. There shouldn’t be exemptions for places like bars, bingo facilities, pool halls, game rooms, comedy clubs and restaurants, just because they bring in an older crowed doesn’t mean they should be putting the majority of people up for health risks just because some people developed an addiction that they refuse to quit.

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