Friday, May 14, 2010

No Business with Arizona

This Article is about Arizonas' new immigration law.
“The Austin City Council decided Thursday to end business and travel ties with the state of Arizona to protest a new state law that will allow law enforcement officers there to detain people they suspect are in the country illegally. There was little discussion before the resolution passed unanimously . Two people showed up to speak in favor of it; none spoke against. Martinez said Thursday that he wanted to be clear with the public that the resolution would only cease city business ties with the state of Arizona, not businesses located there. Other cities are considering or have already enacted similar measures. On Wednesday, for example, Los Angeles approved a ban on future business with Arizona. Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer and other supporters have said the law, which will take effect later this summer, is needed to deal with a crisis in illegal immigration that the federal government has ignored.”

Dealing with immigration NATION wide is a difficult task and always has been. The funny thing about America is it that on some level WERE ALL IMMAGRANTS. I do understand that it’s about taking the proper measures to get jobs here and become a legal citizen but some of the things states do is ridicules. I also know that part of the problem with immigration is that drug cartels are involved and often mob and gang wars. It sad how some of those people travel for weeks get here just to end up dying or raped and abused or exploited. Immigrations laws are in place as much for their safety as it is for our safety. I feel bed that some of those people come from bad lives just to live in nightmares. I also think holding whoever you assume is an immigrant in custody is one of the more ridicules laws a state has come up with. Though I do believe states have the right to try and find what works best for them, Arizona may want to give this one up because cities like Austin are cancelling all business with the state but not with businesses located there.

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